This inaugural whisky night was hosted by Darryl Loewen. Each person was asked to bring a bottle of their choice to share. The only stipulation was that the bottle must cost less than $30 (based on a 750ml size.) The tastings were served blind, and in random order. Each person gave the whisky a score and at the end of the night, all the scores were tabulated to announce a winner…which happened to be Islay Mist 8yo (as brought by Gary Wiens.) The irony was that Islay Mist was also the only bottle that was only in the contest by a technicality due to being purchased on sale, with the original list price being above $30. This just proved a point, sometimes spending a couple bucks more is worthwhile!
Honourable mention goes to Teacher’s Highland Cream (brought by Paul Westlake) and last place was awarded to Johnnie Walker Red Label (brought by Mike Klassen).
As you may expect, quality was not the greatest across the board, but a great time (including many shenanigans) was had by all!